Membership form

Pride in Orkney is a community outreach charity working to promote equality and diversity, and to advance community development for, specifically, the LGBTQ+ community in Orkney and its allies. We do this by organising a variety of events for our community in safe environments.

As a member of Pride in Orkney, you will have the chance to be more involved in how we operate. You will have a number of important rights including being able to vote on resolutions at our Annual General Meeting (in person or virtually) and on selections of members of the Board of Trustees (our committee). You must also be a member of Pride in Orkney should you wish to join the Board of Trustees in the future.

A member can be anyone who wants to support us because they believe what we do is important, whether LGBTQ+ or an ally. It’s our belief that when our members are active and help to shape our agenda and objectives, we can better serve the needs of Orkney’s LGBTQ+ community.

We’d love to have you on board, fill in the form below or download it and send it in to us